Dental Emergency & Prevention
If your child is experiencing a dental emergency, you can rely on our Fort Mill, SC team to provide the care they need to restore their health and wellness. Tega Cay Pediatric Dentistry is composed of pediatric experts who are dedicated to serving children and ensuring they receive the best care during a dental emergency. While dental emergencies can be rather unexpected, you can always count on us for help. Our team will provide gentle care, compassion, and comprehensive support when your child needs it most!
Call today if your child is experiencing an emergency, and read below to discover the best response to a variety of urgent dental situations.
Knocked-Out, Chipped, or Fractured Tooth
If your child’s tooth has been knocked-out or damaged, it is crucial that you bring them in for an appointment as soon as possible. Our team can provide the best care to treat the damaged tooth or even reattach the tooth that’s been knocked out.
For a chipped or broken tooth, contact our office immediately for direction in handling the particular issue until you arrive at our Tega Cay Pediatric Dentistry office.
If your child’s tooth is knocked out, it’s important that you get to our office as soon as possible to ensure a successful restoration. First, find the lost tooth and pick it up by the crown. Rinse the tooth with running water and attempt to place it back into your child’s socket. If you are able to do this, instruct your child to bite down on a clean cloth to hold it in position until you reach our office. If you are unable to replace the tooth, place it in a clean container of milk and immediately head to our office.
If your child is experiencing a toothache, the first step to solving the problem is making an appointment with our dental care providers. We will be able to quickly assess the cause of the problem and provide the proper treatment.
Until you are able to visit us for an appointment, carefully check your child’s mouth for signs of food stuck between the teeth, swollen gum tissue, or cavities. By better understanding what could be causing the toothache and relaying the information to us, we may be able to provide more specific advice to alleviate their pain until their scheduled appointment.
Generally, we recommend the following to manage a toothache at home:
- Apply a cold compress over the affected area
- Instruct your child to rinse their mouth with warm, salted water
- Carefully floss around the tooth to dislodge food particles
- Provide over-the-counter pain relievers

Jaw Fracture
In the case of a suspected jaw fracture, immediately bring your child to a hospital for treatment. Injuries afflicted to the jaw often occur in conjunction with brain injuries and concussions. Emergency personnel will be able to treat the fracture and determine whether additional head trauma is present. Until reaching the hospital, instruct your child to not move their jaw.
Dental Emergency and Injury Prevention
There are several ways to prevent dental damage and reduce the risk of your child experiencing a sudden dental emergency. In order to protect your child from these injuries, please consider the following:
- Ensure your child wears a custom mouthguard when participating in sports or high-impact activities.
- Childproof your home to reduce the risk of any injury or emergency.
- Ensure your child brushes twice each day and flosses daily to maintain their dental health.
- Bring your child to routinely scheduled dental appointments, so we can identify any developing problems before they become a dental emergency.